The past week and a half have been truly magical – first on Sunday I experienced the delights of going to Stonehenge for the summer solstice and then 3 days later I spent the week at another sacred site to the UK – I performed at the Glastonbury festival.
It was initially quite daunting – it was my first gig festival I have performed at and in addition it was my first time going to Glastonbury – needless to say it was super exciting. The place lived up to my expectations and much more. The sheer vastness of the site is something to behold it was like living in a mini city for 6 days. Sitting at the top of Glastonbury hill and looking over the whole site was something special – I spent 3 hours up the chilling and talking to randoms and just taking it all in.

Also in Glastonbury are a set of stone circles which are the pot party congregation point for people to chill, talk randomness and watch the sunrise in the morning

Now I’ve been there I truly get why Glastonbury is such a special festival. It could not work anywhere else it truly is a special place – you can really feel that you are standing on sacred ground and that calming vibe pervades through the entire site despite the sheer size and hectic-ness of the place
The gig was amazing too. Block 9 is such an amazing area – to walk up to the site and see that Underground train sticking out from the side of the building is a sight to behold
I’m back home and missing Glastonbury so much already – together with Stonehenge they have been truly conscious expanding experiences
Until next year Glastonbury – Tendai out
P.S. Here is a selection of photos and video that I took there from Instagram