On the way home the other evening with my legs sore from my once a year playing football at my work footbal tournament something caught my eye in the skip on my road that I dump all my rubbish in. I could see eyes, a mouth, hands and the words “art is trash” daubed in paint on some cardboard in the skip. This piece of art formed a part of the skip it was in, the trash in the skip became art.
I’m a big fan of any art that utiilises its surrounding environment – and this the is embodiment of that – the simple statement art is trash said it all

I was really amazed by the work and wanted to see if there was more of these mysterious works out there (after taking the obligatory Facebook & Twitter photos and doing a Vine post)
After a quick Google search I found that these artworks having been popping up all over London and there has been plenty of buzz on Twitter over who has been doing it. It turns out that they are the creation of Spanish artist Francisco de Pájaro – his website contains many more pieces of his work all which all utilise the surrounding environment and pieeces of trash in interesting ways. Lets hope he continues on with these pieces in London they are absolutely great
The Harringay Gazette have been collecting a gallery of his pieces that have been poppling up over London the last few weeks – you can see them here:
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