Last November I thought Ron Jeremy was the greatest celebrity I’d meet that year until I met Max Keiser at his Stand Up Rage Show at the King Head

For those that don’t know – Max Keiser is an financial analyst who has a show called the Keiser Report on RT (Channel 85 for those in the UK with Freeview), he is also the founder of Pirate My Film.
He also performs in venues with Stand Up Rage – an extremely funny (in that Max Keiser style) and informative overview of what is really going on in the financial markets today. It was such a great and funny performance and would love to see him again when he is back in town – I be sure to post up on here when.
The video has been posted up by Pirate My Film – check it out
Be sure to check The Keiser Report on RT and you can also follow Max on Twitter at!/maxkeiser